What is BioTE® Hormone Therapy?

Well Life Medical Spa now offers BioTE Medical, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), to help solve hormone imbalances in both women and men. Your hormones are one of the most important regulatory systems that exist in your body, as they act as messengers, interacting with specific target cells and organs to stimulate them into action. As we age, hormone production changes and hormone imbalance can occur.

A hormone imbalance in your body can have a variety of side effects and symptoms. The BioTE method of hormone replacement therapy can help relieve those symptoms.

BioTE Medical is one of the nation’s leaders in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, with over one million insertions performed. Every therapy is customized for each individual patient’s needs. We only use bioidentical hormones that have fewer of the unwanted side effects of synthetic hormones.

Age healthier...live happier!™ with the BioTE method. Using our subcutaneous pellet approach to bioidentical hormone therapy, some patients report feeling symptom relieve in as little as seven to 10 days, but complete symptom relief may take up to six months. Your Certified BioTE Medical Provider, Dr.Catherine Bomberger, will customize your dose of pellet therapy to help you on your journey to wellness.

The BHRT pellets that we utilize are made to replicate the hormones men and women lose as they age. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms of hormone imbalance, contact Dr.Catherine Bomberger at Well Life Medical Spa, a Certified BioTE Medical Provider, to get started.

Hormone Optimization: Balance Hormones with BioTE® Medical

The primary goal of BioTE® Medical is to help balance hormones through bioidentical hormone pellet therapy. You may be able to experience relief from your symptoms and age healthier, live happier. Hormone balance is crucial to leading a better life, and that’s why the mission of BioTE Medical is to help people age healthier and live happier.

What is the Goal of Hormone Optimization Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a treatment for many common and debilitating symptoms that are often overlooked by medical providers. Some of these symptoms include exhaustion, stress, foggy thinking, weight gain, sleep disturbances, and so much more. Often, people with symptoms like these are suffering from hormonal imbalance. These ailments are treated by getting to the root cause of these complex conditions and returning the patient to a state of hormone balance. BHRT is simple method for correcting these complex issues through effective hormone balance therapy.

What Can I Expect from Hormone Balance Therapy?

Feel better no matter what your age is. As each patient’s symptoms are unique, so is each patient’s path to hormone optimization. Utilizing hormone optimization therapy, some patients report symptom relief in as little as seven to 10 days, but complete symptom relief may take up to six months. Your hormone optimization therapy will be customized to balance your hormones and fit your specific needs. It takes more than one to two weeks for your hormones to get out of balance, so expect your return to a state of hormone balance to take time.

Dr.Catheirne Bomberger and the team at Well Life Medical Spa only provides BioTE® Medical bioidentical hormone replacement pellet therapy to those suffering from a hormonal imbalance. Every pellet we make is customized for each individual patient’s needs, and we use hormones similar to those found in the human body, which avoid the unwanted side effects of synthetic hormones. These pellets are subcutaneously inserted in a quick, painless insertion, then they dissolve into the body, keeping hormone levels consistent throughout the day and avoiding the rollercoaster effects from other forms of hormone therapy.
If you are suffering from exhaustion, stress, foggy thinking, weight gain, sleep disturbances, or other symptoms, HRT benefits may be able to help you. The benefits of hormone therapy include relief from your hormone imbalance symptoms and a restoration of your hormones to optimal levels. Some patients start to feel the benefits of hormone therapy in as little as two to four weeks, but full hormone optimization can take up to six months, depending on the individual’s needs as well as the treatment plan that they decide to proceed with. Experience the benefits of hormone replacement therapy with BioTE Medical and schedule your consultation with Dr Catherine Bomberger at Well Life Medical Spa today.

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